Sunday, September 16, 2012

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Sessions last only two and a half to three minutes, during which time liquid nitrogen gas plunges the temperature to between -200 and -2500F.
(Consider that Antarc- tica's record low, set in 1983, is a comparatively balmy -129T.
) But the rapid chill penetrates only half a millimeter deep, caus- ing vasoconstriction but not, say, frostbite; it reduces soreness and swelling, promoting what its practitioners call "parasympa- thetic rebound"-i.
e., it takes the edge off postgame fatigue.
Question is, will WBC make you skinnier? Don't louis vuitton Rolling Luggage it out.
A study published earlier this year in The fournal of Clinical Inves- tigation found that brown fat-that is, the good kind-can be ac- tivated by, yes, cold.
Brown fat was long thought to exist only in mice and human newborns (as they can't shiver, it's what keeps them warm), but, beginning in 2009, it was detected in human adults as well.
Unlike its lazy, energy-storing white counterpart, the brown stuff is located in small, oddly placed patches-a few ounces in the louis vuitton replica bags back, on the side of the neck, between col- larbone and shoulder, along the spine-and it burns calories like a Jillian Michaels devotee, especially when we're chilly.
In the study, male subjects who were held in a room that was cool, but not cold enough to cause shivering, burned an average of 250 calories over three hours-80 percent more than they would have normally.
Rather unfairly, people who don't have weight problems tend to be the ones with the most brown fat, and louis vuitton leopard scarf recently we had little idea of how one could gain more of it.
(McDonald's fries, sadly, don't help in this arena.
) Now scientists at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston have discovered a new hormone, irisin, which converts white fat cells into brown fat cells.
And it seems that the same thing that helps banish white fat is what also helps make more brown: Exercise tells the body to release more irisin, which in turn causes more fat cells to be transformed.

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